



Doubts can be toxic. Everyone has doubts, yet very often I find myself in the position of feeling like being the only person doubting my actions, my beliefs, my goals. I think this is the tricky part about doubts. They make you doubt yourself, your decisions, and hereby weaken your ability to see what’s really important. To me, it is important to stand up for…

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Deutsch :: German, Life, Open Heart

Manche Menschen sind wie Sterne…

Manche Menschen sind wie Sterne: Sie tauchen auf, sind von Anfang an nicht gekommen, um zu bleiben, und doch erhellen sie unseren Horizont, rücken Dinge in anderes Licht und bieten bessere Perspektiven. Irgendwann sind sie verglüht, für uns nicht mehr sichtbar, die Spuren, die sie hinterlassen, haben sich aber umso tiefer und unwiderruflicher in unser Bewusstsein gebrannt. Die Erinnerung an deren Strahlen erleuchtet unser Herz…

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Open Heart

4 a.m. contemplations

Will I ever find someone who can touch my heart the way you did? Or will I stick to the safe side and bury my longings in that part I keep so well hid? Will there ever be someone else who knows exactly how to touch me, who with eyes and hands alone is capable of making me feel not only desired but absolutely perfect?…

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Life is too short…

….she was staring out of the window letting her thoughts drift off, letting them pass through her mind like all those people were passing by the window, not noticing her, being so caught up in their own thoughts; rushing past each other, not noticing much around them, hurrying off to a job that puts even more wrinkles on their worried foreheads, she thought and smiled….

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Life, Open Heart, Travel

I need my space

At some point last year I found myself at the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Canaveral, Florida. While the whole experience was a bit surprising in the sense that I’m repeatedly impressed by how Americans seem to be able to turn everything into a “Disneyland-kind-of-experience”, it also put things into perspective. Not the visit to the center itself, but my luck of being at that…

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Life, Open Heart

Happiness is…

I try to appreciate things with more awareness, which sometimes I’m really good at, other times not. But at some point I was sat at the water, lazily staring at that smooth surface, with its calming effects, just letting my mind wander..and I realized that this very moment was one that I was perfectly happy in. I had all my needs met at that moment,…

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